Bereaving Out Loud
Confessions of a grieving daughter...

“Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak knits up the o-er wrought heart and bids it break.” ― William Shakespeare

Hi, I'm Katherine...thanks for stopping by.

I am a grieving daughter. Yes, I suppose I am other things, but since I lost my Mom to a rare cancer in 2021, I have been mostly that.

If you're here because you share a similar experience, first of all, let me say, from the bottom of my heart, I am so sorry. I hope that in reading my posts, you will find that you are not alone.

When I first started this blog, I had no intentions of writing about my grief. I recently switched careers to work in Software Engineering and I wanted to design and keep a blog as a side project.

I began thinking about topics I would blog about, and came back to why I made this blog in the first place. You can find that post here. In the end, it all came back to my Mom.

Writing it was emotional, but oddly comforting. The words flowed easily, and I felt a connection to the day I lost my Mom that I had not felt before.

Most, importantly, it was theraupetic. So, maybe, there's opportunity here. An outlet into the abyss for all the emotions that come along with such a significant loss...

...And then maybe, just maybe, someone who is going through this awfulness - because, let's face it, it never goes away - will stumble upon this blog and it will help them. Grieving is hard enough. We should not have to do it alone in silence.

My Mom and IMy Mom and I celebrating my birthday